19. März 2023

Putting more C into running: trail-maniacs

In 2023, I intend to contribute more to the running community, again. The opportunity to do so presents itself through leading one of the crews in the trail running club I joined last year, the trail-maniacs, ever so aptly named.

Having moved “a couple of hills” west from where I lived before over a year ago, it had sadly [!] become increasingly difficult to regular attend training sessions with the first running club I joined in Switzerland (Sihltaler Sportclub). In 2022, I ended up training mostly on my own, which I don’t mind per se. Yet, I always put C as in Community high up on my list, so it was time to turn these words into action.

This year, I intend to be rekindle this spirit. As it happened, I ended up taking over the lead of the Crew Säuliamt Trail of the trail-maniacs, since there was a need. Säuliamt is the informal name of Affoltern District: composed of fields, woodland, and hills, often opening to offer a panoramic, unobstructed view towards Zugersee, Rigi, Pilatus and the imposing mountain ranges behind. I’m incredibly grateful for having such an opportunity to run in such surroundings, to be able to enjoy exploring small trails in the area with others, and to serve the running community by organising regular trail runs & social events.